Awareness, Journey, Parenthood, Pregnancy, Book Review Jessica Brown Awareness, Journey, Parenthood, Pregnancy, Book Review Jessica Brown

Book Review | The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth

Join me for the first book review! I’ll be going over Henci Goer’s The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth and how this book, published in 1999, is still relevant today! A great tool for foundational knowledge when preparing for a birth, especially an in-hospital birth.

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Awareness, Parenthood, Pregnancy, Postpartum Jessica Brown Awareness, Parenthood, Pregnancy, Postpartum Jessica Brown

What is a Doula Series Wrap-Up

Our time with the “What is a Doula Series” is coming to a close.

Here, I would like to offer you a little summary of the topics that contribute to how a doula encourages parents to feel “Capable of Anything,” when it comes to birth and immediately postpartum

Your doula is a touchstone and guide throughout the birth process. We meet you where you are. Provide the tools you need to make your own informed decisions. Support those decisions, and help hold space for you and your birth. Providing continuity of care from pregnancy through to immediately after birth. We stand, squat, dance, sit with you, providing continuous, uninterrupted and nonjudgmental support.

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Awareness, Parenthood, Pregnancy Jessica Brown Awareness, Parenthood, Pregnancy Jessica Brown

A Doula Superpower

How time can help you feel in control of your birth and feeling like you are “capable of anything.”

Mediation & Time : A Doula Superpower

Join me as I share why time is so important to preserving your birth experience. As well as how a doula does more than hold space, but protects and upholds it.

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Awareness, Parenthood, Postpartum, Pregnancy Jessica Brown Awareness, Parenthood, Postpartum, Pregnancy Jessica Brown

Knowing Your Options

Part of preparing you for birth is education of your options. Each pregnancy and birth is unique, and with that so are the variations that can occur. While we cannot plan everything that will happen in a birth, we can prepare and educate as best we can so you feel comfortable with the process. By knowing your choices, and options within those choices, you will be able to feel like a participant in your health care. Here I go into some of those options and how to navigate the often overwhelming process of preparing for birth and baby.

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Journey, Parenthood, Postpartum, Pregnancy Jessica Brown Journey, Parenthood, Postpartum, Pregnancy Jessica Brown

Meet Your Doula!

Hello and Welcome!

Allow me to reintroduce myself, I’m Jessica Brown, a DONA Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula serving families in Western Pennsylvania.

Inspired to pursue birth work and women’s health from the Homercity Red Tent, I’m amazed at how far I’ve come.

The past handful of years has been a wild ride to get where I am now, and I’m so glad to have followed that calling to birth work. Something I had felt in my bones and knew I had to pursue. This is what I was meant to do, and I’m grateful to all who have helped and supported me along the way.

Join me here as I share what brought me to birth work and where JB Doula is going from here!

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Postpartum, Parenthood Jessica Brown Postpartum, Parenthood Jessica Brown

How to Find Your Feeding Groove

Your feeding groove is simply whatever way of feeding your baby works best for both of you (you’re a team). This also is an ongoing process as you two learn together and as baby grows. What worked last week might not fly today. Triplely so if you’re tandem feeding, whether multiple newborns or your toddler and newborn. Here are several ways to help you find your feeding groove.

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Parenthood, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Awareness Jessica Brown Parenthood, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Awareness Jessica Brown

Toasting to the New Year: Alcohol and Breastfeeding

Tis the season for holiday cheer! For many of us that includes beer, wine, champagne and other fun cocktails. When it comes to our expecting or breastfeeding families, alcohol has typically been a big no-no. In this post, I shed some light on the controversy of drinking while pregnant and breastfeeding. With only a few hours until the New Year, I hope to assuage some ingrained fears!

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