Posts tagged baby
More Than a Pacifier Clip

Don’t you just love watching your baby grow? Especially as they progress from instinctually grasping your finger in their tiny hands to intentionally grabbing toys. As they begin to explore their ever growing world, you may have noticed the at first cute but quickly frustrating aspect of reaching to grab an object only to quickly drop it.

Learning to grasp, hold, let go, and eventual retrieval of dropped objects is a part of our young one’s development. However, it’s kind of hard to retrieve that dropped teething ring from the car floor isn’t it? Especially while driving down the increasingly crowded roads.

So here’s something new to help not only our little one’s out in practicing drop and retrieval skills, but also us in keeping teething rings, pacifiers, and other toys off the floor to be lost in the abyss of our cars. With the added bonus of keeping them clean for little mouths!

Buzz-Worthy Bemi from Little Bemi Co.

Buzz-Worthy Bemi from Little Bemi Co. Photo by @andriazutichphoto

This is the recently launched metal free clip created by Little Bemi Co. to keep those pacifiers, teething rings, and other toys safely off the floor and within reach.

I had the privilege of receiving a prototype to share with one of my clients. I got the above model, the Buzz-Worthy Bemi, and I love a lot of things about it.

From the soft fabric, cute bee design, and food grade silicone beads there is a lot to appreciate about their Bemis. If you’ve spent any time around infants, you know they explore with their mouths. Not having sharp metal clips within reach is definitely a bonus.

And as a doula that has had her fair share of spit up from happily fed babies, I appreciate an easy to clean accessory. Everything about the Bemi is washable and safe for little mouths, with adult supervision of course. I also really love that it is more than just for pacifiers. If the teething ring or toy has an enclosed circle to thread the loop through, you’re all set!

For moms, this checks off so many boxes from being cute, functional, easy to clean, and safe for baby (and baby’s cute outfits often distorted with tugged on metal clips).

The client I provided the Buzz-Worthy Bemi to doesn’t use pacifiers, so hasn’t utilized this yet, but her daughter has definitely reached the grab and drop stage! So I think we’ll be seeing more use out of this clever tool soon enough. I’ll be sure to share pictures when available.

Buzz-Worthy Bemi from Little Bemi Co.

Buzz-Worthy Bemi from Little Bemi Co. Photo by @andriazutichphoto

If you’re interested in learning more or trying this little bemi for yourself, check out their website or check them out on Instagram @littlebemico

I hope you enjoyed this review, I’d love to do more in the future. Stay tuned for my soon to be released podcast JB Doula Podcast. There I’ll cover loads of topics including moms sharing their birth stories, mom hacks, and favorite products. I’m looking forward to the Clothe Diaper Episodes for sure!

Thanks for dropping by & Happy Birthing!