Posts tagged Art
Art & Birth Work

Art has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. 

Having talked myself out of pursuing it when I graduated high school, I ended up studying Anthropology and Psychology. From there discovering a passion for women’s health and starting on a path of serving families through birth work. 

Now, I find myself drawn back into art. Unable to fully leave it to the side. I wanted to find a way to use that creativity in relation to my desire to continue pursuing birth work as a life path. 

My friend Jen & I delivering a bench I helped to paint for MAD LAB to Jeannette’s Library

My friend Jen & I delivering a bench I helped to paint for MAD LAB to Jeannette’s Library

You Are Here Gallery in Jeannette provided that opportunity to explore that very idea. 

I’m happy to share that I have been creating pieces, typically fabric sculptures or quilts, often focusing on the relationship between mother and baby, womanhood, and parenthood. 

Part in raising awareness and education. Part in raising funds that will help families in financial need afford doula services. 


There are several blogs I have written for the gallery during my time as their satellite artist that I will cross post here on my site. 

Birth Matters as well as Art, and I want to combine them in a meaningful way. 

I hope you derive some inspiration, whether as an expecting mom or an artist or both in joining me on this journey. 

If you are involved in art as a mom or an artist who focuses on womanhood, birth, parenthood I would love to chat and have you on the podcast!

Until next time: 

I wish you all the best, and happy birthing!